
Well career fair has come and gone, which means that at some point this site is going to start getting traffic from professional sources for the first real time. This means that I’m doing some cleanup work on the site much of which is generally overdue and all of which is intended to make the site more presentable to visitors at large. The todo list isn’t really that bad…

Of course there’s a lot still to do… the entire admin backend needs a lot of work and I expect to do an overhaul of my JSON API shortly with a view to adding a token-authenticated write interface and making stable the existing (unused) read interface.

The biggest shift as #Clojure has wasted no time reminding me will be in shifting from noir which is now deprecated to lib-noir or even to raw ring as my new web projects are built. The good news is that such a transition shouldn’t be bad at all it’s just developer time I have to choose to spend.

On to other things…